Does it cost to join?
No. Joining is absolutely free and you are not obligated to take any survey at any time.

Can anyone join?
Anyone living anywhere in Nigeria and is 16 years and over can join.

How often will I receive survey invitation emails?
No spam zone. We will only send you invitations to surveys that are relevant to you. Most panellists never receive more than one email a week.

How secure is the information that I give as a panellist, will it be traceable to me?
Your participation in any research is completely confidential. Brentt operates under the codes of conduct stipulated by the European Society of Opinion and Market Research which binds member companies to privacy. Data we collect are only used for statistical purposes and treated as anonymous.

How do I cancel my registration as a Brentt panelist?
You can cancel your registration at any time you wish to do so. Simply send an email to panels@brenttconsulting with the subject PANEL UNSUBSCRIBE. You will receive a confirmation email that you have been removed from the panel community.

Any other questions that have not been answered on this page? Shoot us an email at panels@brenttconsulting and we’ll be happy to answer any comments or questions you have.

Have more questions or need more specialized data?

Get in touch!